Ni you would be proud! Some times our kids will say “hate you Dad”, well not mine yet and you think how can they say that. Well darling I think I can guess why sometimes now. Ollie had Easter Hat parade at school (I know you’re watching them still), but have a look at the video. I made this hat for him and I was very proud of myself, but now I see it “in the flesh” at the parade, I can see why kids can react in that way – ha ha. Poor thing. Unique is the word I’ll use for this masterpiece, and you know how he hates dressing up so much. Sorry Ollie!
Also yesterday he bashed his head in the pool and blood everywhere like you would not believe. Thank goodness I did the 1st aid course recently as I didn’t panic and dealt with it all very calmly. He and I spend 2 hours in a+e at KK, xrays later all was cleared and they glued rather than stitch which he was very happy with. They tie the hair together and glue the gash to act like stitches. So on his head he has this “patch” of tied up hair, bless. Again babe you would be very proud as he was so so brave with 3 junior Drs, the main Dr and 2x nurses all fussing over him. Bless! Don’t worry he is fine.
And finally whilst on – to balance the focus, I wanted to share this photo of Amy, just adorable. And she is so close to walking on her own now babe, she’s just a little scared I think of really letting go, and teeth my goodness loads coming through at once. Jo Woodward gave us some miracle cure fromUK and that helps her. She is a darling and your boy was so brave – they made me proud and I am sure you. xxxxx