50th Birthday, Cebu The Philippines; Day #5
50th Birthday, Cebu The Philippines; Day #5 was a do nothing day. That seems to be also including no photo taking. Also Baby Jude has got a cough, Mary’s Mum is sick and Mary too. So it was a ‘peaceful’ day of doing diddly squat.
We floated around in the hotel, pool, beers, lunch, sea, restaurant. We didn’t leave the complex. Here comes 50th Birthday, Cebu The Philippines; Day #5. Well the dinner part of the day – off to Ibiza again we go again.

We even had fireworks tonight – I did complain to Movenpick that they were a day late ha ha.

Oooooooohhhhhh, Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

The full gang, but sadly minus Dougie and Annie today.

Matthew ‘glitter ball head’ Lempriere, clearly having fun tonight!!!

And J&J clearly having fun too – get off them bloody phones you two grrrrrr Ha Ha!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww – hold on… cuddling or strangling???? Caption competition….

Some of my gorgeous gang. Love you guys!!!

OMG – yes I was actually there, and here is the proof!!!