Bali Day #4 – it IS Ruther’s 50th Birthday today
Bali Day #4 – it IS Ruther’s 50th Birthday today we reach day #4. This was such a great day, but sadly with massive downs for yours truly contracting what turned out to be both a chest and stomach infection at the same time. I was wiped out during the afternoon, awake and ok for a couple hours in the evening after tablets and a massage, and dead again for rest of night. Truly sorry Ruther’s to miss it. But I was in bed and listening to a lot of it and it sure sounded like fun.
Friends and family here from all over, at Hillside Villa, Ubud for one big PARTY. Let’s have a look shall we.. Bali Day #4 – it IS Ruther’s 50th Birthday today.

So we arrive at night and what do we see – pitch black. Occasional twinkly lights i the distance that we were thinking were some far off land. Oh no! Wake up on birthday morning and hey presto here she is. This is the bedroom view. Holy shit how nice is that??? DOUBLE WOW!!! Good choice Ruther’s.

Seriously – here is our neighbours. “HI CAN I GET A CUP OF SUGAR PLEASE?”

Really not sure if Jude is fitting in to this life-style of colonial, jungle living. I truly am note certain!!! Answers on a postcard!!!

Not just him – hmmmm – everyone else how we feeling? I asked that question and they all pushed the ‘butler button’ to ask someone else…. Yeah thy have slipped in to decadence…

And then it turns in to something I am not quite sure about – Pat Cash 80’s hair, BS buttons and “goggles”??? It’s all happening now – whatever next you may ask?

OK OK this is next. The VERY cool 50th birthday gift. A STUNNING photo album of the life of Ruthers and his mate/family experiences – Stacy AMAZING thing you – well done!!!

Jackanory, Jackanory… Only someone Steve’s age will appreciate that. Children, let me begin…

You know for once I really hav no idea what to say… Truly. Apart from; “Don’t let your son nowhere me…”

Just the most amazing decoration work from the girls/ladies/random; Stacy, Mary, Freja, Amy, Sophia and Ollie. Looks awesome!!!

See what I mean. Anyone would think we liked this guy, I mean seriously…

It’s just everywhere. More balloons than a long weekend in Amsterdam!!!

OK two weekends in Amsterdam. Just a thought like!!!

Even the wee dining area looks spectacular – amazing work gang. And he was oblivious sitting in his room, in fact banned/sent to his room. Ruthers be proud of the gang, what a great job!!!

Not really sure what to say apart from; “Stars in their eyes!”

Thank you for coming home; Sorry that the chairs are all worn; I left them here I could have sworn; These are my salad days; Slowly being eaten away; Just another play for today; Oh, but I’m proud of you, but I’m proud of you; Nothing left to make me feel small; Luck has left me standing so tall….

OK Amy is now in the ‘chair’ for the photo taking and…….

It sure is catching…

BeBe and Jenny overseeing Ubub TimeZone.

Birthday boy and big bauble bright blinking beard boy – Happy Birthday my lovely!!!!

A MUST!!! Family Kennet with Birthday Boy. Virgin White (5 kids all up) with Golden Bollocks!!!

Selfie Wifey – loving it but face is about to implode with fever – any minute now and BOOM, see you folks, sorry!!! Still lovely snap wifey xxx

Loving these! I am now about to explode – If I stand any longer to these medium rare will become well done!!!

And the ‘cake’ arrives, accompanied by Bolly – BOOM!!!

Special Man – Special Moment!!!

It’s taking time because he is 50, and now only allowed blunt instruments… Welcome to the world Ruthers. But Mark Mark – fark me mate – PP on steroids smoky salty splendid!!!!

I think this was my goodnight photo from Jingle Baubles – infections took me away x2, fighting as I left. We will we will jangle you…..

OK just one more cough and a #1sone selfie, still dying and off to bed so so early sorry Ruthers…

Literally last legs but OK for a groupy and SERIOUSLY HOW GOOD IS THIS/THEY photos – QUALITY!!! Happy birthday my mate, from us ALL!!!

But where is Wally?

And the final group shot is themed with Steve winning – yep silly face! Good work matey!

No one wants to date a pig apart from this one – in comes Babi Guling. We love you, we all love you!!! Surrender to us.

You can’t polish a turd, but you sure can wrap a pig in gold!!! Hell yeah!!!

Way past my bed time is the last photo – Flash, Lucy, Stacy and Birthday Boy – now devoid of gold and looking like McCoy Chips advert, bless!!!
So there you have it folks – my best endeavours literally on deaths door as it happened. I slept all arvo to about 1730, had about 3 hours at the party and died for the rest of the night in bed sweating like a you know what. Literally died and same next day, so do not expect ANY photos fo Bali Day #5 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. So not going to happen. Anyways hoping Ruthers and Stacy like what we managed to eek out from a wonderful day. Again my brother from another, happy happy birthday from Kennett family, those in Bali, and those around the Globe that think you are just an awesome fella. – Mate – ENJOY!!!
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