Bali Day #6 – it’s Ruther’s 50th
Off we all Padang Bai, a wee coastal town about 2 hours away from the villa. From here you take ferries to the like of Gili Islands, go diving etc. Cracking little spot, literally in the middle of nowhere. This is Bali Day #6 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. Also yours truly is feeling so much better, I think those tablets are kicking in nicely. Thank goodness.
But first.
Now to the beach and Bali Day #6 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. Two buses picked us at at a spritely 0730 and off we jolly well go. Split in two – the party bus and the children bus (Yep special needs!). A beauty of a tour actually, driving through amazing scenery, rolling hills, padi fields, towns, festival processions, workers in the fields – simply stunning.
We then arrive at Padang Bai and split the group again. This time it is divers, and beach goers. This included separating Maya from Mum and Dad, and BOOM she went bless her. Like a little Balinese volcano, she brewed and brewed, and blew, even including snot lava. Amazing little chick. But she was such a sweetie once we got her off the bus and had distractions like butterflies, jungle, beaches, seas and rock-pools. Love that little girl – Flash/Lucy – whenever you need baby-sitters bring them over.
We arrive at the dive school and grab some early refreshments, you know what I mean, whilst awaiting the divers to get prepped. Then off we go to a wee hike to the beach, yes this place is a secret beach. This is starting to look like a CRACKING – Bali Day #6 – it’s Ruther’s 50th.
Click HERE to watch some video shots of beach fun – probably the tiniest Blow Hole I have ever seen.
Now let’s get to the snaps of Bali Day #6 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. Just went through these and they are CRACKERS!!! ENJOY!!!

Talking of blow-holes, who is our diving crew today. All aboard the Sky-Lark. Hopefully no Seaman Stains!

Sleepy is the word I would use to describe here. Just the ferry terminal and some restaurants and dive shops. That is about it. But is is cool, I grant it that. Very cool, back-packer stylee. I like a lot. This is going to be good.

I guess it is ferry or diving, diving of ferry. And maybe pause to eat and grab a beer too. That’s that!

Whilst the divers are gearing up, those going to the beach also gear up with an early morning libation. Very civilised don’t you know…

I seriously love Bali Christmas trees. Mary I want one and I want now NOW. I have all the necessary parts. From this holiday alone we have enough bottles to make like 10 of the bloody things.

And after a rather treacherous hike down hill we are at White Sand Beach. A tiny little, secluded beach, with Warung food stalls and that is it. Found years prior by Dave and Steve on some diving expedition they did together. I had to hike down with Maya to keep her entertained and not thinking about Mum and Dad, phew, that was warm ha ha. Bless her chatting the whole way down – so this first slurp on the beach was much much needed.

The kids had an absolute blast. Here they are wave chasing, or rather being chased by waves.

Yep they really are having fun. One slight issue, every time a boat went past it caused huge waves, and with a steep beach and incoming tide – weeeeee. It was big waves and big backwards pull as the waves went out. Yes it is Baywatch time for the parents (I spent all afternoon looking for Pamela!!!).

OK kids remember, when a big wave comes in you all JUMP over it OK…? OK Uncle Brian/Dad, we get it they answer in chorus…

OVER it Kids, OVER it… Not under it.

OMG it’s carnage. Kids bodies in the surf everywhere. Like closing scenes of the film Titanic…

No matter where in the world I go I cannot help myself with spellchecks on foreign menus. I just piss myself every single time. Remember Thailand and Crap Pancakes.
OK here they have ‘paincakes’ – ouch. Bottels of tea – nice. Chiken with everything. Even painceke – double WOW!!! I’ll have a Buddhist version please – make me one with everything.

My little lava boy. Stunning rock scenery here at the beach. Piles of hardened molten lava shows how active this place has been in history. Just beautiful.

Look at this – just off the beach. It goes, sort of white sand, then hardened molten lava, then rock/soil and loads of flipping cacti. Who’d have thought. Bonkers!!!

Loads and loads of these brilliant little rock pools left by the departed tide. And yep, they are full of little tropical fish. Takes the piss out of our fish tank at home. Stunning little fish in here – sadly you can’t quite see them. I think Jude is contemplating some hand fishing for Mum’s lunch!!!

This makes me laugh. “Hold still Stacy, this is going to be a great snap!!!” Knowing full well that there was a wave about to crash over – and yep – got her… Ha Ha!!!

Now that is what I call a BBQ. Carved from the hard sandstone beach. A folded tin tray. Stuff it with dried coconut husk, put a grill on and off you go. GENIUS!!!

Bare essentials indeed. This is it – and they churn that HUGE menu out from here, and serve drinks. It’s amazing. Quality is TOP DRAWER too – this is mine and Mary’s dream in Philippines – quality but basic, fresh as, prepared there and then, served with icy cold beverage. HEAVEN!!!

The coconut husk BBQ and a 2-ring burner is it. That is it. And off they go. Not phased at all with 19 PAX rocking up and ordering continually. My kind of joint. Absolutely my kind of joint.

It amazes be truly. Such fresh amaze-balls food from such meagre surroundings. This is why I give so much respect to local hawker style restaurants – or Warungs in Indonesia. It is truly incredible. Long may they live on. We are munching and drinking at Warun Pari, White Sand Beach – put it on your bucket list!!!

On goes the fresh caught Makerel wrapped in banana leaves. Too much direct heat, demands the banana skin.

On go the satays – I love this – even the BBQ has an offering, it’s so special it seems!

Mackerel BBQ’d in banana leaves, on the BBQ. It was weird it came out quasi-black, but according to all it was absolutely fantastic. Fresh, smoky, sweet, succulent, heavy, heady and so smoky – but so goody!!!

Really liking the Warung spirit here – this beach is just too cool. Minimal for a reason. It’s exclusive to those in the know – again we thank Ruthers and Dave for that intro to this place. It’s so so special.

No over-crowded beaches here – no Sir. Is it because people can’t find it or because they can’t be bothered with the hike? Who knows? Who cares! As long as it stays like this. It’s almost a private beach. Our beach today!!!

And lunch is served. And this was superb. Again think of that sparse kitchen and then look at this table of happy munchers. Great work Warung Pari.

Right in front of us, the kidlets have a little sit down on the sand and play, and play, and play. Great work you crazy guys!

SO SO CUTE you guys.

Beach chips, best ever. With egg and cheese. Just sublime. So simple, but sprinkle some salt, add a little vinegar… Oh shit hold on, we didn’t have any vinegar did we Steve (50 year old moment thing it seems…).

Hmmmm what shall I rent? Sun bed? Lilo? JetSki? Nah I tell you what I am going to rent the toilet for an hour. That should be fun, fun, fun!

And the sugar kicks in…

Er just how much sugar did you guys consume??? Or it is BRAIN FREEZE?????

Right that’s it – I’m off now you nutters!!! Flash hold up….

The cutest little rock hopper. Charlotte with her Dad, Flash-meister.

And, KEEPER. A cracker!!! A canvass in the printing…

Triple whammy now. I think everyone is really enjoying themselves. We were climbing and exploring rock pools. Cool!


“Dad seriously this lava rock is really really hot, it’s burning our bums!!!. Can we get down now???”

Funniest thing ever – literally every 100m or so there is a sign saying White Sand Beach 300m. So it’s about 1KM away ha ha…

One of my favourite Balinese stalls – yes we’re off home after a great day at the White Sand Beach. A restock of on-board refreshment is much needed. And we’re off back to Hillside Eden Villa.

Guess who we saw yet again on our way home to the villa. Yep, it’s the procession crew, and this time it was a BIG one. Luckily though we were going the right way so were allowed to pass them coming down the road. But still it was very very slow moving so I was able to jump out and grab some brilliant snaps of the guys as they walked past on their celebration march. I believe it is to welcome dead relatives back… It’s stunning to see, just not fun to be stuck in the traffic as it is happening though… Especially with a bus full of adults all needing a big wee…

We jetted past stunning scenery – padi fields everywhere. Lush and green.

And it begins. How beautiful do they look! Seriously. Stunning! Whites, golds, and an array of bright colours.

Clearly very very happy too.

The guys in the black and white tend to be the ‘police/organisers’ – these guys all have walkie talkies. And you absolutely have to do what they say as every male wears a sword as part of the traditional costume. “Of course I’ll move over Sir!!!” “Not a problem Sir!!!”
Daddy-Pedia time. The sword is called the kris, which is an asymmetrical dagger with distinctive blade-patterning achieved through alternating laminations of iron and nickelous iron. Kris is most strongly associated with the culture of Indonesia, and is famous for its distinctive wavy blade. Kris have been produced in many regions of Indonesia for centuries. The kris is embedded in ritual prescriptions and acts, ceremonies, mythical backgrounds and epic poetry.
A kris tends to be divided into three parts: blade (bilah or wilah), hilt (hulu), and sheath (warangka). These parts of the kris are objects of art, often carved in intricate detail and made from various materials including metal, precious or rare types of wood, or gold and maybe even ivory. Depending on the quality and historical value of the kris, it can reach many thousands of dollars.
It’s both a weapon and spiritual object, kris are often considered to possess magical powers, with some blades possessing good luck and others possessing bad. In 2005, UNESCO gave the title Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity to the kris of Indonesia. In return, UNESCO urged Indonesia to preserve their heritage.
Final piece of Daddy-Pedia for the sword for us Singapore dwellers on Bali Day #6 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. Have you flown Singapore Airlines. Have you got loyalty point with Singapore Airlines. So here is a question, where do you think the word Krisflyer comes from? Yep – tis indeed from the Kris as above.

OK OK the gents are a little more sombre. This guy has a baton, whistle and Kris, stay clear!!! He’s a senior!!!

Just brilliant!!! Love it!!!

Offerings are in the baskets on the girls heads. It really is just super stunning to watch. It’s religious yes, it’s a little macabre yes, but they enjoy it and the colours make it all seem ‘light’. Long may this continue.

Not 100% of the significance of the umbrellas, but who cares, more splashes of colour all over.

I could sit and watch this all day long. In fact we nearly did as the traffic was well backed up ha ha!!!

This really is a big one, and is also my last photo for today.