Day #7 it is indeed HOUSE TIME
Today was the day. All our gear has arrived. Well about 80% of it. Mostly furniture today. Also the outside engineering crew were doing walls, repairing bits and pieces, painting the entire outside. The inside had been completely re-painted and every single ‘snag’ that I bitched about the other day inside the house had been done. Many thanks to my mate Andy Paine for the help with that – truly appreciated buddy!!! Really helped us mate!!! Here is Day #7 it is indeed HOUSE TIME.
The real pisser is that I have to disappear to HK tomorrow so have to eave the lovely lady to it all. Damn! So more some shopping for appliances tomorrow and next day. I get back Friday about 1600 from work to crack on again and hopefully leave the house fit to move in. We shall see how that goes over the next few days – more updates to come.

I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat, well house at least. OMG, the delivery has arrived!!! I agree Jude, OMG!!!

Here she is. Still loads to do on outside. The guys today worked their butts off, literally. We were there about 0930am, and left about 1730 and they were doing overtime to get things done for us! Nice!!! Our mates from MandaueFoam parked up and ready to go go go.

Let the skimming, painting, sanding and final coat commence. All over please!!!

And here it is a very proud moment for Mary and I. Our first chair is constructed. One of the interior dining table and chairs – quasi picnic stylee, chosen because all the chairs fit under the table = space saving don’t you know!!!
The kids were brilliant today by the way. Nothing more boring than sitting in a house watching stuff be built and painted. They were legends it had to be said. Despite Jude whacking himself twice though. Apart from that Day #7 it is indeed HOUSE TIME, went swimmingly well. Very under the time cosh but amazing results. Mary and I feel it is a home now, truly. And funnily enough with all the furniture in it seems much much bigger – go figure. LOVING this!!!

Of course Jude had to try out the new chair too. Next time I’ll serving food to you matey, whilst you sit at this!

Loads going on, and yes loads of mattresses. I think I espy a bunk-bed nearing completion in the guest room… Do I? Mary on the blower sorting out a massive delivery of JolliBee for the 20 workers we have with us today!

Yes indeed the bunk-bed was done. Add a mattress and a 4 year old an hey presto, home sweet home!!!

Sorry I did say it was a bunk-bed, now shown off by both the munchkins!!!

We moved all the boxes to the various rooms where said item was to be built and ultimately located. Keep building boys, keep building!!! Sparks at the fuse cabinet too – wiring all in for me bless, even to the showers just in case we have heating need in the future.

We can eat now if we want – 1st full item done! Like it. Like it a lot!!!

Let’s get that car pool gleaming like new boys!!!

Skimming of the walls is underway, including blocking in of the columns. These guys were good, tireless and so so fast. Great work boys! I think on Saturday we’ll be seeing both sides done. Next time we’re over a lick of paint and some planted bamboo and Bob’s your uncle…

Master bedroom bed is done, and the chest of drawers. Fuck up on the sizing of the TV cabinet though – need to be creative – read on!!! How many boxes on the patio – man oh man!!!

Ceiling fans going in – a must. Must have moving air to avoid excessive aircon needs in South East Asia. 4 of these puppies fitted for under $50. Have it!!!

Another cock up from yours truly. Captain’s bed does not go in the small room dick-head it goes in the room with the alcove for the wardrobe. Bless the MandaueFoam boys – both were dismantled and re-assembled in minutes in the correct rooms!!!

My gorgeous wifey supervising the proceedings!!! Pace is surely picking up now – notice less clutter and more stuff!!!

These boys were great. They deserved every bit of JolliBee we fed them and every bottle of Orange Fanta they drank. Bloody brilliant!!!

Painting continues round the other side of the house. Might need a wee HSE check on that scaffolding though. Hmmmmm…..

Cupboards everywhere are springing up. Yep this one too big for guest room, so becomes our lock-up in the helper room which we are using for utilities and storage anyways! Perfect!

We even had a visit from The Philippines HANCOCK, aka the GateMan. Yep he is making us purpose built gates for either side of the property to secure the back areas. Swimming pool here we come!!!

We’ve still got 4 bloody mattresses – huh???? Boy did those snacks I bought come in handy!!!

Another day, another bed. Speeding along now. Just this bed is in the wrong room, soon to be swapped over!!!

We are indeed getting there. I’d live here!!!

Ceiling fan #1 is in and working – minus the bloody lightbulbs thanks MandaueFoam, hmmmmmm!!!

One bedroom upstairs, all but done – just get that mattress up and we’re rocking!

Master bedroom following suit, nearly there, nearly there!!!

Fuck – they don’t fit together if we want to open doors and drawers – what to do…???

Patio springs to life. Just needs a spring clean of the surface with a jet wash and we are indeed a rocking. Umbrella is in storage, and BBQ to be acquired – you can see where this space is a going right!

And bedroom number 1 is finished. Wardrobe in, chest of drawers in, Captain’s bed with pull out in, mattress on. Just the final few things to be done on Saturday – blinds, picture on wall, bits and bobs and bedding. DONE!!!

Bedroom number 2 DONE. Same same re the bits and pieces, all of which are in storage downstairs awaiting the final clean from the contractors ahead of Saturday!

Mater DONE. What was a TV cabinet becomes a bottom-of-bed storage unit. Hey presto. Imagination reigns and it looks bloody nice too!!! And it’s practical. So what were two TV cabinets become other items if furniture and tomorrow we buy two wall-mounted TV’s instead – whoop whoop!!!

Even for this event – I am AKA Kenneth – blardy hell!!!

I think looking pretty damned good. Bookcase up, dining room table and chairs, storage cabinets in, writing desk in. Throw down a rug and picture or two and ding dong. Proud of family Kennett or Kenneth today – what a team!!!

Tiring day. Even poor old Dave the Parrot had to have a site down in the tricycle on the way back to the hotel.