But the order went like this – Tagbilaran City 4 nights, Mabini 2 nights, Anda 2 nights, Mabini 2 nights and finished off with Cebu 2 nights. Flying to Cebu on Tiger was a joy, no Manilla needs now, a short taxi ride to the port and a 2.5-hour ferry ride to Bohol and Tagbilaran City.
Bohol – The Island of Smiles. I wonder why that is? With sunsets like this on the 1st day, I think we can guess why. Holy crap is that beautiful or what!
So first lunch of the trip we all went to one of my absolute favorite restaurants in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Payag’s. Check this out, or maybe better Chicken this out!
They specialize in BBQ chicken. It is awesome. Mary used to go here when she was a boarder at the University in Tagbilaran.
One of our nights out in Tagbilaran was to the hawker BBQ area, a huge, long, series of hawkers all with BBQ going on, which runs along the jetty to the ferry terminal. We walked down, all of us as usual with the kids, and grabbed a table near the front of the tented area.
Food was fantastic.
Cold beers in the fridge, including Ollie in this shot (yes it was a tad warm this night).
Just a great experience, for the princely sum “all up” of 20 Sing Dollars, for us all to eat and drink and be entertained all night. It doesn’t get much better. Happy families, you can tell we’re enjoying this.

Me/Mary/Ollie/Amy in the other. I love this before and after shot. Look at Amy and Ollie all nicely tucked up in bed before they slept.
The next day after we had all had our breakfast we messed about at the playground in the hotel. Some lovely family shots coming. “Sisters are doing it ………………….”
One day we were doing a little shopping, I think getting the girl’s outfits for the birthday party. I spotted this. So not only does Ollie have his own feature film out there, but it also seems he now has his own line of shoes, haha!
Food galore, drinking of local beer (San Miguel), local rum (Tanduay), and locally brewed alcohol from a non-fruit bearing coconut called Tuba, merriment indeed with dancing competitions, Miss Mabini, live bands, discos, acrobatics you name it.
We go to Cambodia year in and year out and build houses on stilts with The Tabitha Foundation to make the farm villagers’ lives more sustainable during flood seasons and the like, we stay in hotels and drink and party the night after a hard days of work, we’re there for 4 days, we hand over handsewn silk blankets once we have finished the job in hand and the families move in and we all feel so very proud of ourselves seeing the smiling faces.
Our beautiful friend Marisol and her son popped around for food, drink, and a chat.
Literally, the house is open and people from the local town/province just walk in, and in fact come from surrounding provinces and towns too. A beautiful sign of respect to the elders is to take their hand and touch your forehead and then you sit, you eat, you talk, you laugh, you reminisce and oh yeah you drink too.
It was so lovely to spend time with the kids. I fell in love with Jhea big time. Look at how she has grown into such a beautiful girl.
Here’s a lovely shot of Mary’s Mum and her old schoolmates. One now lives in Las Vegas and another in San Francisco. Lovely ladies who could and did sit and chat all day.
The younger guys, a little noisier drinking Tanduay Dark Rum and talking of cock-fights – big events at Fiesta time with “Derbys” happening between nearby towns. Here’s me with The Butcher and Mary’s brother Marvin.
No, what I loved was that I was part of it, invited to it all, embraced by them all. I had a ball. My kids had a ball. I can’t thank Mary enough and Mary’s Mum/Dad and family for allowing us to “take over” their house.
Then up to the top, what a climb that was. Sweating like pigs, best keep well away from “The Butcher”, we rested and soaked in the views. How beautiful is this, the Mabini Province of Bohol?
The squared-off water is fish ponds, where the fishermen go out and fish for things like Milk Fish, then transfer them to these ponds to keep them fresh for market.
Can you also spot the “V” shaped things in the water? Fish traps, that will lure the fish in at the wide end to an awaiting net at the pointy end. Clever.
Our last night in Mabini was also disco night on the local basketball court. It was such fun, lots of rather drunken people stumbling about and calling it dancing – including yours truly of course – this very same day I was handed a beer at 9 am by some of Mary’s friends as we walked up the High Street. Yep 9am, so as you can imagine by 9 pm you’re already well on the way.
Check out these two cool chicks on the way to boogie!
Then off to Tagbilaran early doors. An extremely sad farewell. Tears and hugs, poor Jimboy could not even lift his head from his pillow to say goodbye. Poor guys. We’ll be back soon. From Tagbilaran, another ferry ride to Cebu and back to the Imperial Hotel, Cebu. Great fun as this is the one with the water slide park thing.
Having fun with the kids in the pool, I like this photo.
A monkey and Amy, hold on is that Amy and a monkey? They kind of look the same, same expression, and the same lipstick haha!
The view at night from the hotel room, full moon today, how stunning is that?
We went for a lovely meal tonight. I had the most amazing lobster …………………..NOT! Long story, I’ll tell another time haha. This will make Ollie laugh though! We still had a beautiful meal, right on the sea in the open air. Just so tranquil, absolutely beautiful.
Pondering …. “Only one day left and then back to work, shit!”
I look depressed, don’t I?
They even put on fireworks for us. Oh my, what a lovely night.
“Facebook, Facebook” in “Cebu Cebu”, ha ha ha ha!!!