Jude’s first ever school graduation 14/10/2016
I literally land today at 11am, run home as quick as I can to get changed and get over to Jude’s school for 1300 as it was Jude’s first ever school graduation 14/10/2016.We can’t miss that now can we. It was very daunting for these little ones to walk in the room and be faced with shouting, clapping, noisy parents all congratulating these wee ones on their first graduation. The first of many. Here’s some snaps and some dialogue from me about the day.

Look at his face.
Can see imagine the ‘thought bubble’?
“Holy sh@t, who are all these flipping people? I wasn’t expecting this! I’m not sure if I like this…”

Front and centre he was. Proudly showing off his certificate for his graduation. Wait a minute is that a bottom lip quivering? Yes it was, and BOOM he burst in to tears ha ha. Quick cuddle from Dad and all was good again though bless him…

“OK OK I am building my confidence now Dad. I’m with my mate now too, and yes I really am so so proud of my certificate. Are you proud of me Dad and Mum?” says Baby Jude. “Of course we are Baby Jude!!!” says Mum and Dad.

“I really am ever so proud Dad. I love my school. I love my teachers!”

And of course no graduation would be complete without a proud proud Mum and Dad too.
Well done Baby Jude – how you have grown buddy. Love you…