Our not so little Baby Jude turns a BIG FIVE today
Wow what a big day! Our not so little Baby Jude turns a BIG FIVE today. Amazing that time literally does seem to fly. It’s just crazy! He was spoilt rotten, even down to choosing his favourite Chicken Bum restaurant for dinner. Bless him. Opening presents, to Bounce with his school chums, to JolliBee and then Chicken Bum tonight. Even with a little science thrown in too with Daddy, making crystals.
CLICK HERE to watch some party singing.
A massive thank you to everyone that gave him gifts from all over the world – he really is a lucky boy. Thank you. Thanks to Wifey for preparing everything. Thanks to Amy for making an amazing card as usual. Thanks to Ollie AKA Chief photographer. And Happy Happy Birthday to my beautiful boy Jude. We LOVE you sooooooo much. Here comes Our not so little Baby Jude turns a BIG FIVE today.

Man it is DARK out there still!!!

A rather cool card created by his big Sis. It’s UltraMan time! Weeee!

Heart-breaker. Handsome little devil you are Jude!!!

Let’s get in to them presents matey!

All the way from Japan thank you Obachan and Ogichan. LOVES them!!!

It’s Dino Drone – weeeeeeeeeee!!!

He loves science – quite amazing at only 5 years old. But he is well in to. So we have drones, volcano kits, robot kits, crystal making kits for him and he is one happy little man!

Robot spiders too….

Check him out. He did get a load of UltraMan figures and Monster Trucks too – we just gave him then the other day ha ha!!!

Bounce Bounce with his school mates!

Here’s the troop of them, hmmmm where to eat for lunch? I wonder… Bearing in mind a lot here are Filipina. Hmmmmmm.

So cute – getting closer to lunch!!!

Nearly there – rounding them up!!!

OK let’s go says Mary to the hungry ones!

JolliBee’s – it just had to be didn’t it!

Cool new shirt for the 5 year old. Clearly having a fun family dinner. Chit chat chit chat – dear me!!! Hmmmmm!!!

Even I am here for dinner time, awesome dinner at one of our favourites. Mikawa, AKA by Jude as Chicken Bum – of which they had none! Bugger! Happy Happy Birthday beautiful.
So this was today – his actual birthday. BUT a few days back in to last week, he had a party as his school, as schools ended before his birthday today. Going back in time then to that little party in his class room with all his mates.

Having fun with his little school mates before his party – what am I doing? I am showing them FaceApp and FaceSwap – ha ha- hours of fun for all the family!

Class entertainer is in town!

Coolest cake EVER and most handsome five year old EVER too. Happy Birthday buddy xxx

HappY Birthday sung in THREE languages for him today – WOW!!! Mates to the left.

And mates to the right!!!

Gorgeous Mummy and the wee man getting stuck in to cake cutting – go go go!!!

Happy Happy Birthday Jude Jude xxx

That’s more like you – you crazy monkey