Proud Dad time again – here is Ollie playing Duncan in Skakespeare’s MacBeth
Wow is all I can say. Consolidated to an hour, all on stage for the whole play, and spoken in it’s original ‘old’ English style. Absolutely amazing performance from the kids, simply BRILLIANT. Ollie was outstanding, so confident and so commanding – should have had lead role in my reckoning!!! This was a dark and sombre presentation by SOTA and the students, accompanied by one eerie mother-fxxxxx on a cello, whoooo spooky, deep and spooky.
Seriously well done to all the students – you guys absolutely rocked – loved it!!!
And again bear in mind you had a three year old sit through and hour of Shakespeare. He won’t even give Paw Patrol that focus. Just goes to show you guys how good it was.

Go Ollie, sorry Duncan. This is being done to about 400 people. Phew!

The girl that played MacBeth’s wife was way up there too, superb performance!

Ollie laying down on the job? Oh no MacBeth just stabbed him, see you laters Duncan. Ouch!

See what I mean – just downright eerie!

A bit Bohemian Rhapsody?

This was a very powerful scene, she’s a great actress this one!

Guys you deserve the applause – Ollie and crew that was spectacular!