Wild Wild Wet – a busy family Sunday
Mary and I promised the kids we’d go if the rain held off. And it did, so whoop whoop of we go for Wild Wild Wet – a busy family Sunday. In fact it was SUPER hot and we all got back with rather red little faces, but what fun we had. We also got joined by our mate Sophia. What a cracking day it was, including a fabulous dinner at a new joint we found down there.

Baby Jude and Mary going bonkers behind the waterfall. I was just having a massage on my back and feet in the water jets, larvely.

In out, in out goes Jude Jude. Poor little guy was so so tired later bless him.

My Mary, clearly trying to get a part in The new Ring movie.

OMG I did a selfie. Yes playing about with Amy’s new camera we got her for Christmas.