Sometimes you have good days, and today was good.
Check out baby Amy for one of her first stands, very proud of her. She will 100% be walking before she is one I think, just a shame her mum is not here to see all this happening. She is such a beautiful little thing, and you can tell actually she is very proud of herself let alone we all being the same.
Ollie is being amazingly good, Miss Atima told me today he was doing really well at school. Good boy Ollie. We looked through some of Nina’s photos today before he went to bed, we both got a little upset, but we played a video clip or two and it was lovely to hear her voice.
Ollie is doing from the field to the table at school, learning where foods come from and the like. So I had my first oliver sandwich made for me at the weekend, thanks Ollie it was Yummy!!! More please.
I am back to work, it’s official. Very very busy working on only one client based in Singapore and Malaysia. Still not sleeping very well and probably drinking and smoking far too much for my own good, but I know it’ll get better soon. I owe it to the kids who have been supporting me so much the past weeks.
Well that’s the update for today, very proud of Amy, you saw it here first her first standing, 17th March 2009. Bless!!!!!!