Amazing work from #1 Philippines son
Wow! Did JimBoy knock it out of the park at his final year in school or what? He is fixed on going to medical school to become a nurse, which is just the most amazing thing as that opens the world up for him. Jimboy we’re all so very very proud of you buddy. So really well done matey. As usual folks, a picture paints a 1,000 worlds. Well from wifey here is a 1,000 pictures of Amazing work from #1 Philippines son.
Sadly due to a complete cock-up in timing changes, I missed the event. I was safely back to work in Singapore, and Amy was back to school. So it was wifey and Jude that went to represent Singapore, plus a million other Burlas’. Wifey said it was really busy, yes darling filled up with our family. Here comes Jimboy; Amazing work from #1 Philippines son.

He’s a handsome chap! Loving the cocky angle of the mortarboard. Too cool for skool!!!

There surely is a gang of them!!

Here is again! This is one BIG event. Literally, Tagbilaran restaurants are ALL FULLY BOOKED when it is graduation time. Remember my paint story for the house, even the paint mixer ruined my day that day. OK, OK it was his daughter’s graduation, I take it back!

It was amazing – I’ll see if I can get the video on to YouTube as all the students perform this dance in unison in their gowns. So very cool. Almost like those pop-up dancing things you see people do on the streets, at train stations and the like. Incredible.

Here is family Burlas at the event. There sure is a lot of them, right?

And here is the rest of the family. 100’s of them. No wonder it was busy in there…

Just brilliant. Almost military style haircuts for all the boys!

Can’t beat a good graduation celebration, and this is one BIGGIE.

Up he goes now to get his award. Must be nerve-wracking with these many people in the audience. Wow!

Take a bow JimBoy – well-deserved buddy!!! Incredible results.

Speech bubble; “Phew, I am so glad that is over, I hate crowds…”

OK, I was joking. The 300 in the crowd is not family Burlas. Here they are, including my two. Jude is either very happy or very constipated.

Smiley, smiley faces…

Jude and his favourite Uncle Yan Yan… Bless. You can’t separate these two.

And that is that. Jimmers with his award, and clearly so proud of his achievements and rightly so!!!

Oh yes!!!

Wifey looking rather amazing for the prestigious event.

Awwwwwww – nice one ladies. Proud family!!!

Sis #1’s turn…

Sis #2’s turn now…

Now Mum’s turn…

Family Chai Chai and an imposter in the blue shorts – hold a minute who’s graduation is it???

I reckon it is right about now that Jimboy is thinking; “ENOUGH with the photos already, PLEASE!!!” Ha Ha!!!

Far too many lovely photos of my Jhea, so thank goodness he reverts back to tongue pokers. That’s more like it ha ha!!!

Awwwwwwwwww. OK, the last one at the school. Now where to have celebration lunch before JimBoy has to get ready for the Ball.

So wifey decides. How about a hike to Kew Hotel, which is indeed a HIKE. Nice choice in that sun…

“Thanks, brother for the loan of your hat, much cooler now. Ahhhh” said Jude.

“Here they come. Walking down the street. Getting crazy looks from, everyone they meet. Wey Hey it’s the Burlas’….”

Right about now wifey is thinking; “Why the hell didn’t I book a minivan…” (whilst still trying to walk like a model on the catwalk).

My Jhea got so tired she had to create a rest for her chin and supporting hug from Mae. Not far now J.

Luckily we have stayed at The Kew Hotel MANY times and written some blogs about them. That gave Mary some sway, as these guys were FULLY BOOKED. Luckily that sway managed to get a table for the family for celebration lunch. That’s right. So a table was booked under Ms Mary KENNETH (clearly they remember us…)

Congrats Jimmers. Sorry not to be there again.

And the final photo (Jimmers takes a massive deep breath, and runs away to be with his friends, the Ball and no paparazzi) is with Papang. Finished!!!
So there you have it folks, Amazing work from #1 Philippines son. Again JimBoy, we are all so proud of you mate. Just incredible results. Next stop Uni to get that Medical qualification and then literally the world is your oyster. Good luck with that buddy. Sorry again to miss it, work, work and mum getting dates wrongs (yep I blame her haha). But the event looked amazing, and family was there with you to celebrate in a big way. Now with us for a month in Singapore, so – ENJOY!!!
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