Oh my goodness, what a weekend.
So Friday night was Ollie’s truly wonderful performance during the Eton House, Christmas Concert. Early Saturday am we had to drop off Amy at her school for her final practice ahead of the Wee Care School Christmas Concert.
It was just SOOOOOOOOOOO Cute. She did so so well as well. Literally following in her older brother’s footsteps in terms of shining in the limelight on the stage.
Before they started all the parents were ushered into a private room away from the kids, and I managed to get this lovely shot of Ollie with Charlie – JT’s and Elizabeth’s wee one!
Again this was all cloaked in secrecy, as no parents were allowed to see practicing and the costumes, we just had to provide a white t-shirt, some beige shorts and some black leggings. You’ll get the idea from the video clips.
I have to say, even though I am her Dad, that she was the best on the day, she really was the one that stood out. She knew all the moves and the lyrics to the songs. Just so adorably cute.
It was all about places they had “visited” in their school days. I love how they bring in the temporary curtain to allow all the little munchins to enter the stage area and prepare themselves. We had a few drop outs who were over-awed by the experience and the number of parents watching them perform. A shame, but some did come back supported by their teacher to put in a performance.
First up was Hawaii – just look at that little costume and the way she’s playing with the shells to make the clonk clonk noise. One of the senior teachers, we found out, was from Hawaii so hence the relevance of this little song.
Then we went off to hear them sing their Mandarin song. all about bringing people together. I LOVED the dance for this one. Miz/Yuko/Haruko – look at the flag round her neck, yes chosen was Japanese for Amy.
Then we went to, yes, Japan. Amazing. I think you’ll see perhaps fame got to her and she went a bit silly for this one. Ha Ha, that’s OK Amy, it was such good fun to watch this and to see you having such fun with your friends and teachers.
Finally, and ABSOLUTELY the favourite of mine was Shakira’s “whacka whacka” dance. Just loved this one with the little bum wiggles and it was lovely that all the teachers came and danced along to for the finale. Just adorable. She’s been practicing this one hard, in bath, shower, swimming pool, bedroom – you name it everywhere. Amy the practice paid off so much darling!
The kids did go back to perform the Hawaiin song once more I believe for the DVD. So I snuck in and got some lovely still photos to go with the video clips.
It ended with all the kids receiving a rosette with their name on it. That is now proudly displayed on my bedroom wall along with some of Amy’s art work.
We then had some lunch and the kids all came in very proud and happy with themselves and played and played. Sometimes using Ollie, in his words, as “a human toy”, nice work Ollie!
The final photo is a lovely one of Amy with her teacher Miss Bianca (originally when Amy joined Miss Bacon).

What a wonderful wonderful Saturday morning, thanks to Amy, the other kids and the teachers at Polliwogs. My goodness, a gushy, proud father sending big hugs and kisses to Amy, well done my darling – MORE please. xxxx